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UV/VIS – Spectrometers

UV/VIS - Spectrometers

Our range of UV/Vis spectrometers for in-situ measurement allow for the simultaneous determination of a variety of parameters with a single optical sensor. The utilization of chemometric methods allows for the comprehensive analysis of a multitude of water properties, contained suspended solids, as well as dissolved substances.

Parameters that can be measured simultaneously with the UV/Vis spectrometers include Nitrate, Total Organic Carbon (TOC), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), as well as a variety of other components.

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BlueScan Plus – UV/Vis Spectrometer
BlueScan Plus – UV/Vis Spectrometer

The BlueScan Plus UV/Vis Spectrometer is capable of simultaneously detecting multiple parameters.
The utilization of chemometric methods allows for the measurement and comprehensive analysis of a multitude of water properties, contained suspended solids, as well as dissolved substances.

ISA – UV/Vis Spectrometer System
ISA – UV/Vis Spectrometer System

The innovative Intelligent Spectral Analyser (ISA) is a compact UV/VIS spectrometer that allows the simultaneous acquisition of a multitude of parameters with only one sensor. In addition to classic water quality parameters, this optical sensor allows the simultaneous analysis of a multitude of other ingredients and water properties by means of chemometric methods.

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